Vitra Storage Solutions
Vitra storage solutions range from large mid century classics such as the ESU bookcase and shelving ranges to the Eames Hang it all to great home and work office storage accessories such as the Uten.silo and Locker box.
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18 products
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Vitra Eames Hang It All £270.00 /BlackWhiteBrown with Walnut SpheresGreenMulticolouredRedWhite with Pine SpheresMore options1 in stock
Vitra Corniches From £65.00 /Black PlasticDark Grey PlasticJapanese Red PlasticKhaki PlasticOrange PlasticWhite PlasticMore options
Vitra O-Tidy £39.00 /04 White50 Sky Grey03 Poppy Red71 Yellow83 Sea Blue07 Dark GreyMore options
Vitra S-Tidy £39.00 /04 White50 Sky Grey03 Poppy Red71 Yellow83 Sea Blue07 Dark GreyMore options
Vitra Rotary Tray £55.00 /04 White58 Mint Green23 Ice Grey63 Palm Green12 Deep Black41 Pale Rose03 Poppy Red19 Dark BrickMore options
Vitra Toolbox RE £29.00 /Deep Black REMint Green REMoss Grey REPale Rose RESea Blue RETangerine REWhite REMore options